Thursday, February 9, 2012

Open Closed Principle(OCP)

A class should be open for extension but closed for modification. Classes should be designed so they can be inherited from without having to modify them.

The Open Close Principle states that the design and writing of the code should be done in a way that new functionality should be added with minimum changes in the existing code. The design should be done in a way to allow the adding of new functionality as new classes, keeping as much as possible existing code unchanged.


Software entities like classes, modules and functions should be open for extension but closed for modifications.

If we follow this principle we get lot’s of small and testable classes. I want to demonstrate this with a simple spam checker for mails.

Let’s say our mail class has only a sender, a recipient, a subject and the mail body:
public class EMail
    public string Sender { get; set; }
    public string Recipient { get; set; }
    public string Subject { get; set; }
    public string Body { get; set; }

    public EMail(string sender, string recipient,
        string subject, string body)
        Sender = sender;
        Recipient = recipient;
        Subject = subject;
        Body = body;

public enum SpamResult
Now we want to know if a mail is spam or not. Of course we need some rules and some kind of “rule checker” to decide this. Here is a very naïve implementation for this:
public class RuleChecker
    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)
        var result = TestRule1(mail);
        if(result != SpamResult.Unknown)
            return result;

        result = TestRule2(mail);
        if (result != SpamResult.Unknown)
        return result;

        // …
        return SpamResult.Unknown;

    private SpamResult TestRule1(EMail mail)
        // I don’t care about the concrete rules

    private SpamResult TestRule2(EMail mail)
        // I don’t care about the concrete rules
It is obvious that this implementation breaks the Open/Closed Principle. Every time someone comes up with a new anti-spam rule or the rule priorities change I have to modify the code in CheckMail(). Another problem here is that I can’t test CheckMail() isolated from the concrete rules.
With the help of the Open/Closed Principle our implementation could look like this:
public interface ISpamRule
    SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail);

public class RuleChecker
    private readonly IEnumerable<ISpamRule> _rules;

    public RuleChecker(IEnumerable<ISpamRule> rules)
        _rules = rules;

    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)
        foreach (var rule in _rules)
            var result = rule.CheckMail(mail);
            if (result != SpamResult.Unknown)
                return result;
        return SpamResult.Unknown;
Now you could easily write isolated UnitTests for RuleChecker.CheckMail() and for every new rule.
You get the your concrete RuleChecker by calling the constructor with a list of rules:
class MyFirstRule : ISpamRule
    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)
        // I don’t care about this

class MySecondRule : ISpamRule
    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)
        // I don’t care about this
// …
var ruleChecker =
    new RuleChecker(
        new List<ISpamRule>
            new MyFirstRule(),
            new MySecondRule(),
            // …

Another Example

Bellow is an example which violates the Open Close Principle. It implements a graphic editor which handles the drawing of different shapes. It's obviously that it does not follow the Open Close Principle since the GraphicEditor class has to be modified for every new shape class that has to be added. There are several disadvantages:
  • for each new shape added the unit testing of the GraphicEditor should be redone.
  • when a new type of shape is added the time for adding it will be high since the developer who add it should understand the logic of the GraphicEditor.
  • adding a new shape might affect the existing functionality in an undesired way, even if the new shape works perfectly

In order to have more dramatic effect, just imagine that the Graphic Editor is a big class, with a lot of functionality inside, written and changed by many developers, while the shape might be a class implemented only by one developer. In this case it would be great improvement to allow the adding of a new shape without changing the GraphicEditor class.
Open Close Principle(OCP) - bad

// Open-Close Principle - Bad example
 class GraphicEditor {
  public void drawShape(Shape s) {
   if (s.m_type==1)
   else if (s.m_type==2)
  public void drawCircle(Circle r) {....}
  public void drawRectangle(Rectangle r) {....}
 class Shape {
  int m_type;
 class Rectangle extends Shape {
  Rectangle() {
 class Circle extends Shape {
  Circle() {

Bellow is a example which supports the Open Close Principle. In the new design we use abstract draw() method in GraphicEditor for drawing objects, while moving the implementation in the concrete shape objects. Using the Open Close Principle the problems from the previous design are avoided, because GraphicEditor is not changed when a new shape class is added:
  • no unit testing required.
  • no need to understand the sourcecode from GraphicEditor.
  • since the drawing code is moved to the concrete shape classes, it's a reduced risk to affect old functionallity when new functionallity is added.

Open Close Principle(OCP) - good

// Open-Close Principle - Good example
 class GraphicEditor {
  public void drawShape(Shape s) {
 class Shape {
  abstract void draw();
 class Rectangle extends Shape  {
  public void draw() {
   // draw the rectangle

Another Example1

Consider another example of a Call_Manager object. The Call_Manager manages a Call abstract class. The Call_Manager design is open for extension but closed for modification. Addition of a new call type requires writing a new class that inherits from Call. No changes are needed in the Call_Manager.

C# code for the example is presented below:

    1 using System;
    2 using System.Collections.Generic;
    3 using System.Text;
    5 namespace Open_Closed_Principle
    6 {
    7     public class Call_Manager
    8     {
    9         protected Call[] _calls;
   11         // Creates a call. Returns the assigned call_id. Returns -1 if the call
   12         // could not be created.
   13         public int Create_Call(Call call)
   14         {
   15             int found_call_id = -1;
   16             for (int call_id = 0; call_id < _calls.Length; call_id++)
   17             {
   18                 if (_calls[call_id] == null)
   19                 {
   20                     found_call_id = call_id;
   21                     _calls[call_id] = call;
   22                     _calls[call_id].Handle_Create();
   23                     break;
   24                 }
   25             }
   27             return found_call_id;
   28         }
   30         // Deletes the call specified with the call_id.
   31         // Returns true if a call is deleted
   32         public bool Delete_Call(int call_Id)
   33         {
   34            Call found_call = null;
   36             if (_calls[call_Id] != null)
   37             {
   38                 found_call = _calls[call_Id];
   39                 found_call.Handle_Delete();
   40                 _calls[call_Id] = null;
   41             }
   43             return (found_call != null);
   44         }
   46         public void Dump()
   47         {
   48             foreach (Call call in _calls)
   49             {
   50                 if (call != null)
   51                 {
   52                     call.Dump();
   53                 }
   54             }
   55         }
   56     }
   58     abstract public class Call
   59     {
   60         public abstract void Handle_Create();
   61         public abstract void Handle_Delete();
   62         public abstract void Dump();
   63     }
   65     public class ISUP_Call : Call
   66     {
   67         public override void Handle_Create()
   68         {
   69             // Create an ISUP call
   70         }
   71         public override void Handle_Delete()
   72         {
   73             // Delete an ISUP Call
   74         }
   75         public override void Dump()
   76         {
   77             // Dump the contents on an ISUP call
   78         }
   79     }
   81     public class ISDN_Call : Call
   82     {
   83         public override void Handle_Create()
   84         {
   85             // Create an ISDN call
   86         }
   87         public override void Handle_Delete()
   88         {
   89             // Delete an ISDN Call
   90         }
   91         public override void Dump()
   92         {
   93             // Dump the contents on an ISDN call
   94         }
   95     }
   97     public class GSM_Call : Call
   98     {
   99         public override void Handle_Create()
  100         {
  101             // Create an GSM call
  102         }
  103         public override void Handle_Delete()
  104         {
  105             // Delete an GSM Call
  106         }
  107         public override void Dump()
  108         {
  109             // Dump the contents on an GSM call
  110         }
  111     }
  112 }


Like every principle OCP is only a principle. Making a flexible design involves additional time and effort spent for it and it introduce new level of abstraction increasing the complexity of the code. So this principle should be applied in those area which are most likely to be changed.

There are many design patterns that help us to extend code without changing it. For instance the Decorator pattern help us to follow Open Close principle. Also the Factory Method or the Observer pattern might be used to design an application easy to change with minimum changes in the existing code.

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