Monday, March 16, 2015

ASP.NET MVC: Quick Reference for Beginners

  1. Installing ASP.NET MVC
  2. What mvc version is my mvc application using
  3. Creating your first mvc application
  4. Controllers in an mvc application
  5. Views in an mvc application
  6. ViewData and ViewBag in mvc
  7. Models in an mvc application
  8. Data access in MVC using entity framework
  9. Generate hyperlinks using actionlink html helper
  10. Working with multiple tables in mvc
  11. Using business objects as model in MVC
  12. Creating a view to insert data
  13. FormCollection in MVC
  14. Mapping request data to controller action simple parameter types
  15. Updatemodel function in MVC
  16. Difference between updatemodel and tryupdatemodel
  17. Editing a model in mvc
  18. Updating data in MVC
  19. Unintended updates in mvc
  20. Preventing unintended updates
  21. Including and excluding properties from model binding using bind attribute
  22. Including and excluding properties from model binding using interfaces
  23. Why deleting database records using get request is bad
  24. Deleting database records using post request in mvc
  25. Insert update delete in mvc using entity framework
  26. Customizing the auto-generated index view
  27. Customizing the autogenerated create view
  28. Customizing the autogenerated edit view
  29. Using data transfer object as the model in mvc
  30. View engines in mvc
  31. Using custom view engines with mvc
  32. How does a controller find a view
  33. Html helpers in MVC
  34. Generating a dropdownlist control in mvc using HTML helpers
  35. How to set an item selected when dropdownlist is loaded
  36. Difference between Html.TextBox and Html.TextBoxFor
  37. Generating a radiobuttonlist control in mvc using HTML helpers
  38. CheckBoxList in mvc
  39. ListBox in mvc
  40. Using displayname, displayformat, scaffoldcolumn attributes in mvc
  41. Using datatype & displaycolumn attributes
  42. Opening a page in new browser window
  43. Hiddeninput and readonly attributes in mvc
  44. Display and edit templated helpers
  45. Customize display and edit templates
  46. Accessing model metadata from custom templated helpers
  47. Displaying images in mvc
  48. Custom html helpers in mvc
  49. Html encoding in mvc
  50. Detect errors in views at compile time
  51. Advantages of using strongly typed views
  52. Partial views
  53. Difference between html.partial and html.renderpartial
  54. T4 templates in mvc
  55. What is cross site scripting attack
  56. How to prevent cross site scripting attack
  57. Razor views in mvc
  58. Razor views in mvc continued
  59. Layout view in mvc
  60. ViewStart in mvc
  61. Named sections in layout files in mvc
  62. Implementing search functionality in mvc
  63. Implement paging in mvc
  64. Implement sorting in mvc
  65. Deleting multiple rows
  66. Check uncheck all checkboxes with another single checkbox using jquery
  67. Action selectors in mvc
  68. What is the use of NonAction attribute in mvc
  69. Action filters in mvc
  70. Authorize and AllowAnonymous action filters
  71. ChildActionOnly attribute in mvc
  72. HandleError attribute
  73. OutputCache attribute
  74. CacheProfiles
  75. RequireHttps attribute
  76. ValidateInput attribute
  77. Custom action filters
  78. Different types of ActionResult in mvc
  79. Areas
  80. StringLength attribute
  81. Range attribute
  82. Creating custom validation attribute
  83. RegularExpression attribute
  84. Compare attribute
  85. Enable client side validation in mvc
  86. ValidationSummary
  87. What is Unobtrusive JavaScript
  88. Unobtrusive validation in mvc
  89. Remote validation in mvc
  90. Remote validation in mvc when javascript is disabled
  91. Create a custom remote attribute and override IsValid() method
  92. Ajax with mvc
  93. What is Ajax and why should we use it
  94. Providing visual feedback using LoadingElementId AjaxOption
  95. OnBegin, OnComplete, OnSuccess and OnFailure properties of AjaxOptions class
  96. LoadingElementDuration property of AjaxOptions class
  97. Implement autocomplete textbox functionality in mvc
  98. What is JavaScript minification
  99. What is CDN - Content Delivery Network
  100. What if CDN is down

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